
Ladataan Tapahtumat

Kerro tapahtumasta palaute@kamera-lehti.fi

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Aina & Tage

4.3.2018 - 1.4.2018

Tapahtuma navigointi

Rebecka Uhlinin näyttely kertoo hänen isovanhemmistaan.

”As a child, my grandparents’ home was a favourite place. Here was safety. I loved to dress up and be photographed by my grandfather in his portrait studio. When the roll of film was finished, I asked him to put in a new one. I felt important when I baked with my grandma Aina, as she patiently let me measure ingredient after ingredient. I was their first grandchild and from the way they treated me it was evident that they appreciated this. The older I get, the more curious I have become about their relationship.

How are our feelings affected by the vulnerability of a relationship? Which feelings relate to ourselves and which relate to the person we love? What role do the expectations we think other people have on us play?

My pictures have allowed me to close in on my grandparents’ love relationship. With time, this has given me insights. My questions and thoughts have often been overshadowed by feelings of comfort and humbleness over their affection.”

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